


euler(initial_time, initial_time_step, …)

Creates the settings for the Euler integrator.

runge_kutta_4(initial_time, …)

Creates the settings for the Runge Kutta 4 integrator.

runge_kutta_variable_step_size(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

bulirsch_stoer(initial_time, …)

Creates the settings for the Bulirsch-Stoer integrator.

adams_bashforth_moulton(initial_time, …)

Creates the settings for the Bulirsch-Stoer integrator.

euler(initial_time: float, initial_time_step: float, save_frequency: int = 1, assess_termination_on_minor_steps: bool = False) tudatpy.kernel.simulation.propagation_setup.integrator.IntegratorSettings

Creates the settings for the Euler integrator.

Factory function to create settings for the Euler integrator. For this integrator, the step size is kept constant.

  • initial_time (float) – Start time (independent variable) of numerical integration.

  • initial_time_step (float) – Initial and constant value for the time step.

  • save_frequency (int, default=1) – Frequency at which to save the numerical integrated states (expressed per unit integration time step, with n = saveFrequency, so n = 1 means that the state is saved once per integration step).

  • assess_termination_on_minor_steps (bool, default=false) – Whether the propagation termination conditions should be evaluated during the intermediate sub-steps of the integrator (true) or only at the end of each integration step (false).


Integrator settings object.

Return type


runge_kutta_4(initial_time: float, initial_time_step: float, save_frequency: int = 1, assess_termination_on_minor_steps: bool = False) tudatpy.kernel.simulation.propagation_setup.integrator.IntegratorSettings

Creates the settings for the Runge Kutta 4 integrator.

Factory function to create settings for the Runge Kutta 4 integrator. For this integrator, the step size is kept constant.

  • initial_time (float) – Start time (independent variable) of numerical integration.

  • initial_time_step (float) – Initial and constant value for the time step.

  • save_frequency (int, default=1) – Frequency at which to save the numerical integrated states (expressed per unit integration time step, with n = saveFrequency, so n = 1 means that the state is saved once per integration step).

  • assess_termination_on_minor_steps (bool, default=false) – Whether the propagation termination conditions should be evaluated during the intermediate sub-steps of the integrator (true) or only at the end of each integration step (false).


Integrator settings object.

Return type


runge_kutta_variable_step_size(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. runge_kutta_variable_step_size(initial_time: float, initial_time_step: float, coefficient_set: tudatpy.kernel.simulation.propagation_setup.integrator.RKCoefficientSets, minimum_step_size: float, maximum_step_size: float, relative_error_tolerance: float, absolute_error_tolerance: float, save_frequency: int = 1, assess_termination_on_minor_steps: bool = False, safety_factor: float = 0.8, maximum_factor_increase: float = 4.0, minimum_factor_increase: float = 0.1) -> tudatpy.kernel.simulation.propagation_setup.integrator.IntegratorSettings

    Creates the settings for the Runge-Kutta variable step size integrator.

    Factory function to create settings for the Runge-Kutta variable step size integrator with vector tolerances. # [py] For this integrator, the step size is varied based on the tolerances and safety factor provided. # [py] The tolerance can be either scalar or vector; it is composed of an absolute and a relative part. # [py] Different coefficient sets (Butcher’s tableau) can be used (see the RungeKuttaCoefficients::CoefficientSets enum). # [py]


    Start time (independent variable) of numerical integration.


    Initial time step to be used.


    Coefficient set (Butcher’s tableau) to be used in the integration.


    Minimum time step to be used during the integration.


    Maximum time step to be used during the integration.

    relative_error_tolerancefloat or np.ndarray

    Relative vector tolerance to adjust the time step.

    absolute_error_tolerancefloat or np.ndarray

    Absolute vector tolerance to adjust the time step.

    save_frequencyint, default=1

    Frequency at which to save the numerical integrated states (expressed per unit integration time step, with n = saveFrequency, so n = 1 means that the state is saved once per integration step).

    assess_termination_on_minor_stepsbool, default=false

    Whether the propagation termination conditions should be evaluated during the intermediate sub-steps of the integrator (true) or only at the end of each integration step (false).

    safety_factorfloat, default=0.8

    Safety factor used in the step size control.

    maximum_factor_increasefloat, default=4.0

    Maximum increase between consecutive time steps, expressed as the factor between new and old step size.

    minimum_factor_increasefloat, default=0.1

    Minimum increase between consecutive time steps, expressed as the factor between new and old step size.

    RungeKuttaVariableStepSizeSettingsScalarTolerances or RungeKuttaVariableStepSizeSettingsVectorTolerances

    RungeKuttaVariableStepSizeSettingsScalarTolerances or RungeKuttaVariableStepSizeSettingsVectorTolerances object.

  2. runge_kutta_variable_step_size(initial_time: float, initial_time_step: float, coefficient_set: tudatpy.kernel.simulation.propagation_setup.integrator.RKCoefficientSets, minimum_step_size: float, maximum_step_size: float, relative_error_tolerance: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], absolute_error_tolerance: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], save_frequency: int = 1, assess_termination_on_minor_steps: bool = False, safety_factor: float = 0.8, maximum_factor_increase: float = 4.0, minimum_factor_increase: float = 0.1) -> tudatpy.kernel.simulation.propagation_setup.integrator.IntegratorSettings

No documentation found.

bulirsch_stoer(initial_time: float, initial_time_step: float, extrapolation_sequence: tudatpy.kernel.simulation.propagation_setup.integrator.ExtrapolationMethodStepSequences, maximum_number_of_steps: int, minimum_step_size: float, maximum_step_size: float, relative_error_tolerance: float = 1e-12, absolute_error_tolerance: float = 1e-12, save_frequency: int = 1, assess_termination_on_minor_steps: bool = False, safety_factor: float = 0.7, maximum_factor_increase: float = 10.0, minimum_factor_increase: float = 0.1) tudatpy.kernel.simulation.propagation_setup.integrator.IntegratorSettings

Creates the settings for the Bulirsch-Stoer integrator.

Factory function to create settings for the Bulirsch-Stoer integrator. For this integrator, the step size is varied based on the tolerances and safety factor provided. The tolerance is composed of an absolute and a relative part. Different extrapolation sequences can be used (see the ExtrapolationMethodStepSequences enum).

  • initial_time (float) – Start time (independent variable) of numerical integration.

  • initial_time_step (float) – Initial time step to be used.

  • extrapolation_sequence (ExtrapolationMethodStepSequences) – Extrapolation sequence to be used in the integration.

  • maximum_number_of_steps (int) – Number of entries in the sequence (e.g., number of integrations used for a single extrapolation).

  • minimum_step_size (float) – Minimum time step to be used during the integration.

  • maximum_step_size (float) – Maximum time step to be used during the integration.

  • relative_error_tolerance (float, default=1.0E-12) – Relative tolerance to adjust the time step.

  • absolute_error_tolerance (float, default=1.0E-12) – Relative tolerance to adjust the time step.

  • save_frequency (int, default=1) – Frequency at which to save the numerical integrated states (expressed per unit integration time step, with n = saveFrequency, so n = 1 means that the state is saved once per integration step).

  • assess_termination_on_minor_steps (bool, default=false) – Whether the propagation termination conditions should be evaluated during the intermediate sub-steps of the integrator (true) or only at the end of each integration step (false).

  • safety_factor (float, default=0.7) – Safety factor used in the step size control.

  • maximum_factor_increase (float, default=10.0) – Maximum increase between consecutive time steps, expressed as the factor between new and old step size.

  • minimum_factor_increase (float, default=0.1) – Minimum increase between consecutive time steps, expressed as the factor between new and old step size.


BulirschStoerIntegratorSettings object.

Return type


adams_bashforth_moulton(initial_time: float, initial_time_step: float, minimum_step_size: float, maximum_step_size: float, relative_error_tolerance: float = 1e-12, absolute_error_tolerance: float = 1e-12, minimum_order: int = 6, maximum_order: int = 11, save_frequency: int = 1, assess_termination_on_minor_steps: bool = False, bandwidth: float = 200.0) tudatpy.kernel.simulation.propagation_setup.integrator.IntegratorSettings

Creates the settings for the Bulirsch-Stoer integrator.

Factory function to create settings for the Adams-Bashorth-Moulton integrator. For this integrator, the step size is varied based on the tolerances and safety factor provided. The tolerance is composed of an absolute and a relative part. Different coefficient sets (Butcher’s tableau) can be used (see the RungeKuttaCoefficients::CoefficientSets enum).

  • initial_time (float) – Start time (independent variable) of numerical integration.

  • initial_time_step (float) – Initial time step to be used.

  • minimum_step_size (float) – Minimum time step to be used during the integration.

  • maximum_step_size (float) – Maximum time step to be used during the integration.

  • relative_error_tolerance (float, default=1.0E-12) – Relative tolerance to adjust the time step.

  • absolute_error_tolerance (float, default=1.0E-12) – Relative tolerance to adjust the time step.

  • minimum_order – Minimum order of the integrator.

  • maximum_order – Maximum order of the integrator.

  • save_frequency (int, default=1) – Frequency at which to save the numerical integrated states (expressed per unit integration time step, with n = saveFrequency, so n = 1 means that the state is saved once per integration step).

  • assess_termination_on_minor_steps (bool, default=false) – Whether the propagation termination conditions should be evaluated during the intermediate sub-steps of the integrator (true) or only at the end of each integration step (false).

  • bandwidth (float, default=200.0) – Maximum error factor for doubling the stepsize.


AdamsBashforthMoultonSettings object.

Return type



class IntegratorSettings

Functional base class to define settings for integrators.

class RungeKuttaVariableStepSizeSettingsScalarTolerances

IntegratorSettings-derived class to define settings for Runge Kutta integrators with scalar tolerances.

class RungeKuttaVariableStepSizeSettingsVectorTolerances

IntegratorSettings-derived class to define settings for Runge Kutta integrators with vector tolerances.

class BulirschStoerIntegratorSettings

IntegratorSettings-derived class to define settings for Bulirsch-Stoer integrator settings.

class AdamsBashforthMoultonSettings

IntegratorSettings-derived class to define settings for Adams-Bashforth-Moulton integrator settings.